Raven’s Buttons will close soon. Find Raven in future at The Screechy Herald & Fox & Raven Studio


Hello! I'm Larissa Hammond (aka Raven). I’m a librarian (MLS), artist, writer, and buttonsmith. I may or may have not previously battled necromancers in the secret societies of the public library world.

After co-founding Fox & Raven Studio in 2019, I purchased my first button machine in 2020.

My enthusiasm, after a lifetime of loving these rad accessories, can be seen in my attention to detail when I design and press. I also do my best to ethically source my equipment and materials. 

I'm a fan of writing poetry and short stories. Creative Colloquy published my short story, "A Child's Prayer," in their second volume. Later, The LQ: Ogden's Queer Art Zine would publish my poem "Mermaids" in their Spring 2022 issue.

The pinback buttons you'll find here are pressed by yours truly in a small town by a lake, surrounded by a forest. I live with my partner and husband, two kids, and four birds.

Consider subscribing to my newsletter: The Screechy Herald.

Connect with or follow me online at all the places by visiting my linktree: https://linktr.ee/ravenmaven